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Don't make scaling your business harder than it needs to be.

Get a custom Notion operating system for increased efficiency, boosted productivity, and less stress as you grow.

You deserve
smooth as butter systems.

Save up to 10 hours per week with a custom Notion operating system, tailored specifically for your unique needs.


Hi, I'm Diana

Notion Consultant for Growing Businesses

After over a decade of climbing the corporate ladder, marketing for Fortune 200 brands, and becoming a mother to three incredible boys, I realized the 'mandatory return to office, 9-5 grind' was no longer suiting me.


So I quit, in pursuit of creating a fulfilling career where I felt more in-control and calibrated in my life.


I now specialize in supporting high-growth businesses that feel like the wheels are falling off internally. I design and build customized Notion operating systems and optimize workflows utilizing thoughtful templates and automations, all contributing to boosted productivity (and happier teams). 


Notion expertise for the growing business.


Let's get you, and your team, working with more flow, and less friction!

Ready for your custom Notion operating system?

Optimize workflows.
Boost productivity.
Increase efficiency.
Scale without all the stress.


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Your personalized roadmap to get
smooth as butter systems, ASAP. Workflow audit, custom Notion OS sitemap, and sprint plan.

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This is the full monty, we're talking a workflow refresh audit + custom Notion operating system design, build, data migration, and training for you and your team.

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Time is money.

Stop wasting yours.

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Diana set me up in Notion with several main hubs and went above and beyond in making sure these systems work for me and my business. She may just be the most professional and organized independent contractor I've ever hired -- or even worked with for that matter.

Jessica Lohmann

Founder & CEO of Ethical Brand Marketing

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Boost your productivity, take your digital organization to new heights, and stay up-to-date with the latest Notion features.

Let's get you working with more flow, and less friction!

Thank you for signing-up! I'll see you in your inbox soon.

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